The 20 Most Popular My Hero Academia Fanfics (2024 Edition)

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If you are looking for the best My Hero Academia fanfiction, then you have come to the right place. 

For those who don’t know, My Hero Academia is Japanese manga. 

It is one of the most popular manga series in the world, and it has a massive fan base. 

Because of the massive fan base and following of this series, there are countless fanfics online that revolve around the characters from this series. 

These fanfics take just about every character from the series and put them in new situations, give them new relationships, and offer new problems to solve. 

There are some really incredible writers out there who have created a whole world of My Hero Academia fanfiction. 

Keep reading to find out more. 

1. Yesterday Upon the Stair

This first fanfiction from the My Hero Academia universe features Midoriya Izuku, an extraordinary protagonist who defies expectations.

Despite being labeled as weird and quirkless, Izuku possesses hidden powers.

This fanfic follows his journey to overcome adversity, confront past trauma, and prove himself.

This gripping story delves into friendship, self-discovery, and amazing character development.

If you’re a My Hero Academia fan seeking an alternate-universe story, this fanfic might be for you.

2. Viridian: The Green Guide

This is another fanfic that follows Midoriya Izuku, a quirkless character who becomes the vigilante Viridian.

Through intelligence, resourcefulness, and improvised weapons, Midoriya fights crime, facing internal conflicts and unexpected alliances.

With thrilling action and emotional depth, this story showcases Midoriya’s resilience.

3. Deku? I Think He’s Some Pro…

This story revolves around Izuku Midoriya, who realizes he doesn’t possess a quirk but still strives to make a difference in the hero world.

After saving a friend, Izuku catches the attention of All Might (Yagi Toshinori), who admires his bravery but worries about his recklessness.

Determined to contribute, Izuku uses his analytical skills to support heroes in various ways.

Along the journey, he gains recognition from fellow heroes who recognize his potential, even without a quirk.

This fanfiction explores self-discovery and showcases the idea of heroism beyond superpowers.

4. Cheat Code: Support Strategist 

After a reality check from All Might, protagonist Izuku begins searching for a new dream.

He stumbles upon UA’s support course and specializes in Intelligence and Analytics which proves to be the perfect fit for him.

Immersed in the realm of Hero Analysis for the Future, Izuku’s path takes an unexpected turn away from becoming a hero and towards supporting others.

With great character dynamics, thrilling challenges, and a touch of chaos, this crossover is a must-read for My Hero Academia enthusiasts.

5. Hero Class Civil Warfare

This fanfic features Izuku Midoriya’s journey as he receives a life-altering reality check from All Might.

Crushed dreams lead him to the amazing world of UA’s support course, where Intelligence and Analytics becomes his new passion.

This fascination shapes his future in unique ways.

As Izuku embraces his role as a support strategist, he discovers his true calling lies in aiding heroes rather than becoming one.

6. Total Command 

In this fanfic, the world undergoes a significant power shift due to the emergence of quirks.

Women gain extraordinary abilities, leaving men behind and causing a drastic transformation in society.

As villains exploit their newfound powers for selfish agendas, courageous women rise as heroes to protect the people.

Fast forward 200 years, and Midoriya Izuku emerges as a central figure.

Endowed with Total Command, an ability granting complete control over his body, Izuku catalyzes humanity’s resurgence.

With engaging plot twists and diverse relationships, this story offers a fresh perspective on the My Hero Academia universe.

If you enjoy action-packed narratives with a touch of romance, this fanfiction might be for you.

7. The Way You Used to Do 

In this fanfic, tragedy strikes as Midoriya’s soul separates from his body, leaving him in a ghost-like state.

Time becomes his enemy as he fights to escape permanent death.

The twist? His only companion in this ethereal existence is his childhood friend turned rival, Kacchan.

Witness their complex relationship unfold as they unite to find a solution, exploring suspense, friendship, and personal growth.

Brace yourself for an emotionally charged journey of redemption and understanding between these intriguing characters.

8. A Hero Rises

“A Hero Rises” is a popular fanfic that follows Izuku, a quirkless child with ambitions to become a hero.

Unexpectedly, he meets All Might, who becomes his mentor and support.

Izuku faces challenges and personal growth, showcasing the power of determination and support in achieving dreams.

9. Midoriya, Plus Three-Sixty-Five 

The reader follows Midoriya Izuku, the Golden Boy of UA High School, in this popular fanfic.

Born a year earlier, Izuku’s life takes a dramatic turn, shaping his relationships, training, and heroic challenges.

From his exceptional achievements to facing villains, witness the impact of his early arrival.

This alternate universe story offers a fresh perspective, starting before the original series’ events and unveiling a unique take.

With surprises, manga spoilers, and a thrilling narrative, this fanfiction story is great for fans seeking an imaginative expansion of the original material.

Join Izuku on his extraordinary journey to becoming the greatest hero in this gripping fanfic!

10. Anyone 

This next fanfiction story is set in an MHA universe where quirks determine destiny.

Izuku, a quirkless hero, creates an unconventional organization to help others.

However, he steals the powerful quirk One for All, leading to chaos and villainy.

The story offers a fresh perspective on the My Hero Academia universe.

11. Complicated Creation

“Complicated Creation” is a popular My Hero Academia fanfiction set in an alternate universe where people possess guardian spirits.

It follows Midoriya Izuku, who lacks the One for All Quirk but possesses a unique and mysterious power.

Midoriya embarks on a journey in a world brimming with mythical creatures, facing numerous challenges along the way.

Aizawa Shouta, also known as Eraserhead, becomes a nurturing presence in Midoriya’s life, aiding him in honing his abilities.

Through its exploration of discrimination and ableism, the fanfiction digs deep into the characters’ growth.

This fanfic features an intriguing premise, heartfelt moments, and a well-crafted storyline!

12. The Darker Sides of Deku

This fanfic unveils Midoriya Izuku’s hidden persona and showcases his complex emotions and challenges.

Behind his cheerful facade lies psychological struggles, anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.

Prepare to embark on a unique exploration of Deku’s character as Class 1-A and others realize the truth.

You may want to read this fanfic if you’re interested in a darker side of My Hero Academia.

13. From Muddy Waters

The story revolves around Izuku, a determined aspiring hero with a twist.

He uncovers a chilling secret—he possesses his father’s infamous villainous Quirk, All For One.

Izuku takes off on a quest to use this power for the greater good and ends up facing intense challenges and grappling with internal conflicts.

Along his journey, he forges unexpected alliances and confronts formidable adversaries.

This emotionally charged fanfic delves deep into Izuku’s struggles, self-discovery, and unwavering pursuit of heroism.

Brace yourself for an exciting story as Izuku battles unimaginable odds to fulfill his dreams and become a hero.

14. Desperately Departing

my hero academia fanfiction

This is a popular My Hero Academia fanfic that digs deep into Izuku Midoriya’s despair.

From early on, Izuku is bombarded with messages of worthlessness and the notion that the world would be better without him.

Overwhelmed by negativity, he reaches his breaking point, contemplating an end to his own life.

Follow his journey as he battles with his decision and faces numerous challenges along the way.

This story explores self-worth, friendship, and the power of finding hope in the darkest of times.

With its intense emotions and compelling narrative, this fanfiction is a must-read for My Hero Academia fans who appreciate poignant storytelling and exploration of complex themes.

15. I Don’t Run An Orphanage

my hero academia fanfiction

This fanfic explores Izuku Midoriya’s heartwarming journey where he becomes an unexpected hero for children with problematic quirks.

Experience the challenges, bonds, and themes of found family, friendship, and unconditional love beautifully portrayed by the author.

With humor, action, and exploration of quirk discrimination and hero responsibilities, this tale could be for you if you who like emotional depth and complex heroism in your fanfics!

16. The Future Briefing Island

This MHA fanfic takes Class 1-A on an unexpected adventure.

In a peculiar resort hotel, they encounter a mysterious woman who unveils the future to them, orchestrated by “Upper Management” to shape a brighter Japan.

Join Class 1-A on a thrilling journey as they immerse themselves in their own anime, MHA.

With unpredictable twists and entertaining consequences, this must-read crossover offers a fresh and exciting perspective on the beloved series for fans of My Hero Academia.

17. Why Are We Here Again?

my hero academia fanfiction

In the anime series My Hero Academia, the prestigious UA hero school forms Class 1-A, a unique class comprised of potential criminals from all over the country.

Their determined teacher, Mr. Aizawa, encourages these students to harness their inner fire for a greater purpose.

But this year, something feels different. Mr. Aizawa believes that his new students possess extraordinary potential.

In this story, readers can explore themes of chaos, the bonds of found family, and the path of self-belief.

This exciting fanfiction blends action, character development, and a touch of darkness.

18. A Dangerous Game

my hero academia fanfiction

Kidnapped at 13, Izuku returns home a year later with scars, no memory of the events, and a newfound fire quirk.

To protect his loved ones, Izuku must lead a double life, resorting to deception and questionable actions that challenge his morality.

Amidst allies and enemies, he must maintain his cover while striving to take down one of the world’s most powerful individuals.

Meanwhile, Bakugou Katsuki, Izuku’s former classmate, is determined to uncover his secret, believing there’s more to Izuku’s story.

This fanfiction explores identity, sacrifice, and the blurred lines between heroism and villainy in a world of superpowers.

19. But you gotta Get up at least Once more

my hero academia fanfiction

Inspired by Saitama from One Punch Man, Izuku adopts a rigorous training regimen, surpassing expectations and becoming unstoppable.

The story explores mental illness, bullying, and the impact of trauma while diving deep into the characters’ emotions and relationships.

20. With Confidence

my hero academia fanfiction

This final My Hero Academia fanfiction follows Midoriya Izuku’s journey to prove himself.

Despite being mocked by his classmates, everything changes when a quirk hits Midoriya during a villain encounter.

Suddenly, he discovers the power to dismantle others with his words, teaching his classmates that having a quirk isn’t necessary to stand up to others.

This story beautifully showcases themes of strength, resilience, and self-acceptance.

My Hero Academia Fanfiction: Conclusion

I hope this article has helped you find some great My Hero Academia fanfics to read!

These 20 are just a small sample of all the amazing stories out there.

So be sure to take a look and find your own favorite among them.

And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message in the comments below!

Lastly, if you want to read more about fanfiction on this blog, then check out:

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