The Best Books on Cyberbullying (2024 Edition)

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[Note from the website owner: Although this blog focuses primarily on fiction literature, I thought it could be helpful to address this important topic.]

In today’s day and age, we know that cyberbullying is a major problem. It affects people of all ages, genders, and races. It is a problem that society is learning to deal with as it comes since there don’t seem to be great historical methods of how to deal with it. Cyberbullying is a problem that is new in our world, and it only continues to get worse. If books about dealing with cyberbullying interest you, keep reading. 

What is Cyberbullying?

Though it may be a term you are familiar with, cyberbullying can actually be quite difficult to define. What does and does not count as cyberbullying varies depending on who you ask. However, we’ll stick to a simple definition: Cyberbullying involves the use of electronic communication to threaten, harm, or say malicious things to another person. 

Cyberbullying can take many forms. And it is common for cyberbullying to be anonymous, but that is not always the case. Many people who are cyberbullied know their bully in real life. It could be an acquaintance from school, work, or otherwise. 

Also, cyberbullying is not a problem that is limited only to children. Although we often only think about young people getting bullied, it is a problem for adults as well. Those with large social media followings are often targets of cyberbullying. This is simply due to their prominence on whatever platform they use. And cyberbullying is a problem across the globe. Anyone who uses the internet can quickly become a victim of this harsh and horrible phenomenon. 

The Best Books on Cyberbullying

Given the gravity of this topic, it makes sense that there are several books that discuss cyberbullying. It is a problem that plagues our world, and it doesn’t seem to be going away anytime soon. Whether you are interested in fiction or non-fiction books about this topic, there is something out there for you. Take a look at the books below and get started on your journey with the best books on cyberbullying. 

Fiction Books on Cyber Bullying 

Though it may be a surprise, there are quite a few novels out there that touch on cyberbullying. If this is a topic that interests you, check out the novels below. 

Don’t Read the Comments 

Don’t Read the Comments is a 2020 novel by Eric Smith. This novel follows a young woman, Divya, who is a very popular online gamer. She uses her skills in gaming and her rising popularity to help support her single mom. Not only is she skilled in gaming, but she also has a big heart and a desire to help those she loves. 

Another young gamer, Aaron, uses the same game as Divya to escape the real world. Though he is not as skilled or as popular as Divya, he enjoys disappearing into the fictional world. Aaron’s mother wants him to be a doctor like she is, but he would rather play video games.

Against all odds, Aaron and Divya find each other in their world of gaming, and they form a new friendship to help each other escape their real-life problems. Unfortunately, Aaron and Divya soon become targets of cyberbullying, and it soon seeps into their real life. As a result of the bullying, Aaron’s dreams are threatened, and Divya’s life and well-being are under attack. 

This novel portrays a great fictional example of how cyberbullying can start and escalate into a real danger quickly. Though it is fiction, there is a lot of truth to these characters and their stories. It is a great novel for both adults and young adults alike, and it offers many truths about the dangers of anonymous cyberbullying. 


Backlash is a 2015 novel by Sarah Darer Littman. This novel follows a high school girl named Lara who is at her breaking point after the boy she likes tells her off via Facebook. His harsh comments lead her to behave irrationally and things spiral out of control. 

This novel is a different take on cyberbullying than Don’t Read the Comments. That novel is all about the dangers of anonymous cyberbullying, but Backlash is all about the dangers of cyberbullying by people you know in real life. Lara’s bully is a boy from her school, so the issues that this causes quickly spill over into her real life. They affect her friendships, her school work, and her day-to-day life. There is no way for her to avoid it. 

This novel is another great fictional take on cyberbullying. Along with cyberbullying, it also touches on teenage friendships and romance as well as the importance of mental health. It is a great choice for young adults, but adults can certainly enjoy it as well. 

Nonfiction Books on Cyberbullying 

Though fiction is certainly important, we can learn a lot more about the dangers of cyberbullying, as well as how to stop and prevent it, from nonfiction. Since the inception of the internet, cyberbullying has been an issue that our society has had to deal with. It has only become a larger problem with the invention of smartphones and social media. This means that writers have been publishing books on cyberbullying for around 30 years now. There are many great books out there, but these are some of the most popular books on cyberbullying. 

Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the Digital Age

Cyber Bullying: Bullying in the Digital Age is a 2007 book by Robin M. Kowalski. This book is 15 years old, meaning that it was published before the smartphone takeover. This was the same year that the first iPhone was released, so kids weren’t walking around with the entire internet in their pockets yet. 

This book focuses on the dangers of anonymous cyberbullying and how it can quickly affect the well-being of teenagers and young children. It offers strategies for helping these young people navigate the online world and for helping them when they do encounter cyberbullying. The strategies in this book are helpful and practical, and they can be changed depending on who is using them. Teachers, parents, therapists, and so on can use the strategies and information in this book to help the young people in their lives stay away from cyberbullying in all of its many forms. 

How to Protect Children from Online Predators and Cyber Bullies

How to Protect Children from Online Predators and Cyber Bullies is a 2016 book by Ram Muthiah. This book focuses on the dangers of cyberbullying, but it also touches on the dangers of online predators and pedophiles. This book is aimed at parents of teenagers and children, and it offers advice, hope, and encouragement for keeping children safe on the internet. 

Because the internet has made being a parent so much harder in some ways, it is important for parents to be aware of and help protect their children from the dangers of the online world. Not only do we have to worry about predators and creeps, but we also have to worry about bullies and the effect they have on adolescents. Bullying is a major source of depression and anxiety in today’s youth, so parents must be vigilant. This book is meant as a guide for parents to help them navigate the tricky world of the internet and to keep their children safe and protected. 

Best Books on Cyberbullying: Conclusion 

I hope this article has helped you think through some of the popular books on cyberbullying and which might be good for you and your situation. It is a topic that can be difficult to discuss and learn about, especially for parents of young children, but it is an important one nonetheless. 

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Lastly, feel free to message me in the comments below if you have questions about this or another literature-related topic!

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