The Most Popular Avengers Fanfiction (2024 Edition)

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If you are looking for some of the best Avengers fanfiction, look no further; you have come to the right place. 

The Avengers are a group of superheroes who were assembled to fight evil. 

This group of heroes originally consisted of six members, but it eventually grew to include many more. 

For the purposes of this article, the “Avengers” refers to just about anyone who has connections to the Marvel Universe, whether or not they are an official member of The Avengers. 

Marvel has created an expansive universe full of powerful heroes, evil villains, and some of the best storylines we have ever seen. 

This has inspired writers around the world to try their hand at creating new storylines, as well as new characters, that could exist in this universe. 

Avengers fanfiction is some of the most popular fanfiction, and there are countless stories out there to enjoy. 

If you have a favorite Avenger, there is definitely a story involving them. 

In this article, we will take a look at some of the most popular Avengers fanfiction. 

Keep reading if you are up for an exciting adventure into this non-canon MCU fanfiction world. 

1. The War is Far from Over Now

The first Avengers fanfiction on our list is a story that revolves around Tony Stark. 

This story picks up at the end of Iron Man 3 and slowly diverges from the true canon of the story. 

The premise of this story is quite simple.

It answers the question: what would happen if Tony Stark became the villain?

Though this may be a simple premise, this story is anything but simple.

We see Tony Stark get pushed to his limits. 

He feels like he is never good enough, and this story shows what happens when he has had enough. 

It is full of dramatic twists and turns, and it may just leave you on the edge of your seat. 

We get to take a good look at Tony Stark and the ins and outs of how his mind works. 

It is a scary place, at times, but it is exciting to read about. 

This story is insanely popular, and its number of hits is growing daily. 

It is a very long story, but you won’t even realize how much you have read because the author is so good at what they do. 

This is a well-written story that is not one to pass up. 

2. Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis

Next up is a story that combines two of the most popular topics for fanfiction.

That is Avengers and Harry Potter. 

In this comedic story, we see a very interesting alternate universe that combines the world of the Avengers with the wizarding world. 

This story features a female Harry Potter named Holly, and just about every major character in the Marvel universe. 

In this story, Holly Potter is a housekeeper hired to clean up after the Avengers. 

She is experienced in this area due to her history of cleaning up after Death Eaters. 

Nothing can scare her, even the aftermath of some of the bloodiest battles with the world’s greatest heroes. 

If you are looking for a lighthearted story featuring some hilarious moments featuring the Avengers, look no further. 

This story will leave you laughing all the way through. 

3. The Third Option

In this next story, we mainly focus on Spider-Man and his adventures. 

There is also a bit of Tony Stark in this story, but that is pretty much to be expected. 

This story is an alternate universe that exists during the timeframe of the movie Spider-Man: Homecoming. 

In this alternate universe, Peter Parker is placed into foster care when Ben is killed. 

Unfortunately, his foster family is terrible, and he leaves to live on the streets. 

This plan seems to be working out well until Iron Man needs Spider-Man’s help. 

That is when things get complicated. 

This is a beautifully written story that has many heart-wrenching moments. 

There is some content that may be triggering to certain readers, so make sure to check out the content warnings before you read this story. 

The author does a good job of making sure each chapter is marked with the appropriate content warnings. 

4. The Days of Reckoning are Upon Us

If you are looking for a story that is full of hatred for Steve Rogers and the rest of Team Cap, look no further. 

You have found the perfect story. 

Whether you love or hate Captain America, you have to admit that he seems to have a bit of a lucky streak. 

He always finds his way out of problems without consequences, and he is generally not great at making decisions. 

The author of this story is on a mission to change all of that. 

They have written a story that calls out Team Cap on their poor decisions and it forces them to deal with the consequences. 

This story is not one long plot line, it is a collection of various short stories depicting a number of situations. 

This makes it relatively easy to read, especially if you don’t want to commit to something that is very long. 

You won’t be left with any cliffhangers, just more stories about Captain America dealing with the shifty things he does. 

It is a well-written story, but perhaps skip this one if Captain America is your favorite Avenger. 

5. Peter Parker’s Home for the Wayward Villain

The next Avengers fanfiction that we will look at again features Peter Parker.

There are also several other characters who make appearances in this story, such as the X-Men and Deadpool.

In this story, Peter Parker is a typical teenage boy. 

He does not have any powers, and he is not Spider-Man. 

He gets adopted by Tony Stark and enters a world that is completely new and exciting. 

Peter deals with a bit of an identity crisis, and he isn’t quite sure what to do with his life. 

Fortunately, he has a few great mentors to help him figure it out. 

This is a really fun story with an interesting premise, so it is no wonder that it is one of the more popular Avengers fanfics. 

The author has given new life to these characters and their world while still remaining true to who they are. 

Don’t miss out on this action-packed coming-of-age story.  

6. On Punching Gods and Absentee Dads

This wholesome Avengers fanfiction is another crossover with the Harry Potter universe. 

The story as we know it is that Harry Potter’s father, James, was killed by Voldemort when Harry was just a child. 

In this story, however, Harry is raised with the same understanding, but he learns that this is not the truth. 

He finds out that his father is alive. 

And not only is he alive, but he is also a god. 

Harry’s world is turned upside down when he realizes that he is Loki’s son. 

Harry is, understandably, upset about his father leaving him and is out for revenge. 

As you may expect, this story is full of drama, anger, and angst. 

There is plenty of action and adventure, both in the form of wizard magic and superhero powers. 

If you are a fan of Harry Potter and the Avengers, you may enjoy this unique story. 

7. Dark Matter

This Avengers fanfiction is another crossover between a few different universes. 

In this story, we get glimpses of characters from the DC universe, Batman, and of course, the Marvel universe. 

The main focus of this story is Peter Parker and Tony Stark, but there are several other characters with significant roles, too. 

In this story, Peter is traveling through time and through different universes. 

He awakes to someone called Wonder Woman, and this is where the story gets exciting. 

This is one of the most popular Avengers fanfiction stories, and it is no wonder why. 

8. Be Careful What You Wish For, You May Just Get It

Next up is another Avengers fanfiction that involves time travel. 

This story shows Peter Parker and Tony Stark working together again. 

In a bit of a unique twist, Peter Parker is Tony Stark’s son in this fanfic. 

Tony Stark gets sent back in time to the sands of Afghanistan. 

He must fix the world and see the defeat of Thanos, but this time he must do it on his own. 

The writing in this story is excellent. 

The author has a knack for bringing these characters to life right off the page. 

They are believable and unique while staying true to the characters we know and love; this is not easy. 

However, get ready to put some time into this story, as it is a pretty long one. 

9. Nobody’s Heroes

This story takes the ending of Captain America: Civil War and turns it on its head. 

The author believes that this would be a much more realistic ending to the story. 

In this Avengers fanfiction, we get to see how the world reacts to Siberia’s events. 

They are not happy and grateful to Captain America for what he did. 

Instead, they are hurt and scared. 

Captain America must deal with these consequences and find a way to reconcile everything he damaged. 

The world’s citizens demand justice for the people who saved them, and they don’t believe it was Team Cap. 

Though there seems to be a lot of hatred for Captain America out there, this is not necessarily one of those stories. 

Indeed, we see how Captain America is forced to deal with the consequences of his actions, but it does not paint him as someone who is evil and consistently wrong. 

This is an exciting story that gets a bit dark at times. 

It is, however, very well written and enjoyable to read. 

10. Damaged Defenders

The final Avengers fanfiction that we will look at today is one of the best. 

This is a great story about finding your own family and the people who love you for who you are. 

This story features many Marvel characters, but Iron Man, the Hulk, Captain America, and Logan play the biggest roles. 

These broken heroes come together and find what they have been missing. 

Of course, there is action and adventure featuring Thanos and several other villains. 

But there are also plenty of heartwarming moments that will tug at your emotions. 

We get to read this story from the perspectives of several different characters, which adds an interesting spin to an already exciting story. 

There are some mature scenes and themes throughout this story, so be sure to check the author’s content warnings. 

This is a great story you won’t want to miss out on if you are looking for something action-packed and sweet. 

Avengers Fanfiction: Conclusion

I hope this article has helped you find some great Avengers fanfics to read!

These are just a small sample of all the amazing stories out there.

So be sure to take a look and find your own favorite among them.

And if you have questions about this topic, feel free to leave a message in the comments below!

Lastly, if you want to read more about fanfiction on this blog, then check out:

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