If you have questions about about Sue Lynn Tan's Fantasy novel, Daughter of the moon goddess...

This web story has you covered.

"Who is the Daughter of the Moon Goddess?"

Question 1

The protagonist we follow and the daughter of the moon goddess is named Xingyin.

"Is Daughter of the Moon Goddess spicy?"

Question 2

No, Daughter of the Moon Goddess is not spicy. The book contains kissing but not anything further down the line.

"Is this book enemies to lovers?"

Question 3

In a certain way, it is. Xingyin becomes the servant of Liwei who is the son of the person who imprisoned her mother. However, Xingyin and Liwei become friends and then become more than friends.

"Does this book contain LGBTQ romance or characters?"

Question 4

Tap the link for the answer to this question and much more information about Daughter of the Moon Goddess!